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Ego Is Just Another Name of Jealousy

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Ego developing jealousy, how and why, let's talk about this.

Do you know the easiest way to ruin your life? Yes, you are getting it
right: developing negative feelings such as hatred, jealousy, ego, and
depression. Feeling jealous of someone else might seem like it is easy to ask,
but it has very tough effects on your life. Jealousy brings along a strong
feeling of ego and pride, which adds to making your life difficult.

 In this post, let us talk about the difference between ego and jealousy and how you can overcome them by practicing Ruqyah. But the main thing is to find out the bridg connecting these two feelings, so let’s get into the details.

What is Jealousy?

Jealousy is a very irrational feeling which develops as a result of comparing yourself with others. The strongest way to develop this feeling in oneself is to start comparing yourself with others. This comparison is just based on seeing the superficials and not understanding the insights into it.

For example, when we see that a person is purchasing a brand new Fortuner, we feel jealous that we are not buying that thing. But what we don’t understand is the struggle that person has to save and purchase that Fortuner. We often feel jealous when we are depressed or unmotivated from something bad going on in our lives. For example, normally, when we see people, we don’t start comparing ourselves to them every single time. But if one is riding a motorcycle on a rainy day, he will surely compare himself to the person driving a comfortable car.

 But what we don’t see is the person who doesn’t even have a motorcycle to ride, who is just walking in the dirty pools in the rain. So we just start comparing ourselves with the person who is better than us. We don’t look at the person who is even weaker than us at that time.





What is Ego?

The ego is basically the feeling of self-importance and self-love. Or you can call yourself an obsession, not just loving yourself. The goal of this feeling is to make you believe that you are so far more important than everyone else because you are the best. You just want everyone to love, respect, and follow you because you think you are the best.

 The ego is strongly associated with feelings of anxiety, tension, and sorrow. Egoistic people can make such huge blunders in their lives just because they want to make themselves feel like the most important person.

The ego is self-love, but it does not involve doing anything. An egoistic person wants everyone to praise him and love him without doing anything good for himself or for others. The biggest downside of ego is that people stop loving you, or they don’t even like you anymore. This is because you want them to praise you without doing any good thing. Also, you stop loving people because they are not appreciating you the way you want them to do.

 Such emotions result in distancing you from your loved ones, leading to the feeling of loneliness.

 Why Ego Causes Jealousy?

Ego and jealousy are too strongly related feelings, but how? Ego results in feelings of jealousy because an egoistic person hates to see someone else appear better than him. For example, if you have strong feelings of ego, you won’t feel happy if someone buys a new home or a new car by putting in his own efforts.

 You will just think that he is buying that certain thing that you can’t purchase, but you do not understand the efforts he has made for this. You only feel jealous if you don’t have the guts to appreciate someone else.

 One thing your ego cannot see is someone going better than you. You feel that you are the best, and you have not been praised for something you haven’t even tried for. This is where you start developing feelings of hatred for others. You no longer like people, especially people who are successful. No matter if they are your friends, family, or loved ones, you can’t praise them for their good.

 So the next time you feel envious of someone, set your ego aside first. When you do not prioritize your ego over others, you will feel good and happy for them. One thing you can do to seek help in suppressing your negative feelings is to talk to Ruqyah to seek help.

 How to Overcome Ego and Jealousy?

Are you suffering from the destructive effects of ego or jealousy? Do you want such bad feelings to go away from your life? Ruqyah is always here to help you in this matter. Other than this, go through these solutions, which you can easily practice.


       Never compare yourself to others; even if you do so, do it just to gain motivation.

       Target your skills to achieve your goals, not look at others’ accomplishments

       Start feeling happy and proud for others

       Learn from your failures instead of getting demotivated

       Always help and appreciate others rather than feeling jealous



Your restlessness is the result of the negative feelings starting up inside your mind and heart. Your hate for others and strong feelings of comparing yourself with them always make you feel low. In contrast, if you like others and bond with them nicely, you will always feel happy and satisfied. Staying positive on the inside will bring positivity on your outside, too. We all have different lives, various circumstances, and different levels of difficulties. So stop comparing yourself with others and let the feelings of ego and jealousy go away with the help of Ruqyah.