Ego Is Just Another Name of Jealousy
All You Need to Know About Our Ruqyah Service
2024-04-14Do you know the two concepts around which our lives revolve? Yes, I am referring to the good and the evil. The good brings around beauty, truth, heaven, life, religion, and everything that is beautiful. But evil brings hell, depression, betrayal, and other bad concepts. But do you really know the science behind this evil affecting your mental health and mental wellness?
In this post, let us talk about the mindset of the devil, what swings in his mind, and what he thinks about life. So stay connected till the end so you do not miss anything.
Three Main Mindsets of the Devil
The intention of the devil is to spread hatred and keep people away from Allah Almighty. To prevent him from accomplishing this goal, it is crucial to understand his mindset. Here are three main mindsets of the devil to keep people away from Him.
Allah Has High Standards
Satan is the biggest trickster, with the sole intention of tricking people to get on the path of evilness. His main mindset is to present the obligations of Allah as impossible in front of humans. He gets on our minds by making us believe that whatever Allah wants us to follow is very hard. Moreover, abiding by the religion Islam is not for every person. But taking help from ruqyah knowledge surely keeps you on the path of religion
One concept Satan embeds in our mind is that the high standards of Allah Almighty are not made for every human. And that humans are not capable of following all of Allah’s commands; these were just for very pious and religious people. Most importantly, the devil affects our mental health and mental wellness. That we are Muslims, the people of Allah, so He will not punish us.
Say, ‘I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, The Sovereign of mankind. The God of mankind, From the evil of the retreating whisperer– Who whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind – From among the jinn and mankind. (Reference: An-Nās, 114: 1-6)
In this ayat, Allah wants you to seek refuge from the evils of satan and Jin to stay connected with Allah Almighty.
One Time Won’t Matter
Devil or Satan
focuses on how to keep humans away from Allah’s commands. He uses every tactic
and strategy to let us fall behind in our religion, Islam, and ruin our mental
health and wellness. He brainwashes our minds by tempting us to make a sin only
once. And when once you commit that sin, he tries to add so much pleasure to it
that it becomes difficult for you to quit.
Satan wants the believers to commit sin once by making our minds that Allah will surely forgive, and it’s a matter of only one sin. But always remember that you will receive the punishment for every sin you make voluntarily, but seeking forgiveness can save you from this. Also, ruqyah can keep you away from the evil of devils.
“O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy. He only orders you to evil and immorality and to say about Allah what you do not know.”
(Reference: Al-Baqarah, 2: 168)
In this ayat, Satan is clearly mentioned as the enemy of the Muslims who persuade you to commit sin every time.
You are Too Sinful
The strongest point
of the devil is to take over your mental health and mental wellness the way he
wants. First, he persuades us to commit a sin, and then he keeps us on the path
of sin. Then, after making so many sins, he makes us believe that we have committed
a lot of sins. Finally, his goal is to prevent us from seeking forgiveness for
the sins we committed.
Satan diverts our
minds towards sins and then makes us believe that Allah Almighty won’t forgive
such a sinful person. But no matter how sinful you are, Allah always keeps the
doors of forgiveness open for you. So don’t be fooled by the strategies of Satan,
and let him not take over your mind.
“Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to immorality, while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and bounty. And Allah is all-encompassing and Knowing.”
(Reference:Al-Baqarah, 2: 268)
In this ayat, you can see the forgiving attribute of Allah, so regardless of whether your sins count, always turn back to Allah.
Life is beautiful
only if you want to make it beautiful. If you are availing pleasure from the
devil, this will be temporary. Such pleasure will not last long and will surely
lead to long-term mental health and mental wellness destruction. Understanding the
mindset of the devil is crucial to knowing how it can ruin your life.