Dream Interpretation


Dreams in Islam hold significance but should be approached with care and wisdom. While some dreams may carry divine messages, others may be meaningless or misleading. It is essential to seek interpretation from wise, knowledgeable, trustworthy individual and rely on Allah for guidance. Remember, the ultimate knowledge of dreams lies with Allah alone.

Supplications Before Sleep at Night

Types of Dream

Good Dream (Ru’ya Sadiqa)
A good dream is a sign of good news from Allah.

Evil Dream (Huloom) 
An evil dream causes distress and comes from Shaytan (Devil/Satan). For example, it could involve seeing something disturbing, such as one’s head being cut off or falling into a crisis with no one to help. These types of dreams are meant to distress the person.

am Dream from One’s Own Mind (Nafs)
A dream that comes from what a person thinks about while awake and sees during sleep. These are reflections of the person’s thoughts and mental state.

False and Misguiding Dreams

1. When a person sees something in a dream that happens in real life or wishes for it to happen, and it appears very realistically, this dream is often related to the present or future, rarely the past.

2. When a person sees angels telling them to do something forbidden, or anything else that does not make sense or is impossible.

Confusing Dreams

If you see a dream and do not have the knowledge to interpret it, seek guidance as it may contain an important message for your future. You can ask a wise, knowledgeable person you trust or contact Ruqyah.Help
Confusing dreams may contain:

  • A warning for you to protect yourself from something or someone.

  • A warning about your actions related to the hereafter.

  • A message indicating Allah’s liking or disliking of your actions.

  • A response to your prayers to Allah, advising patience.

  • A message from Allah indicating that you will heal soon or that you are on the right path. Conversely, Shaytan may also appear in dreams suggesting you stop doing Ruqyah Healing.

What you should do when you see a dream?

Ibn Hajar said: to sum up what has been said about good dreams, we may say three things:

  • A person should praise Allah for the good dream.

  • He should feel happy about it.

  • He should talk about it to those whom he loves but not to those whom he dislikes.

 Abu Qatadah said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him (ﷺ)) said: “Good dreams come from Allah and bad dreams come from the Shaytan. If anyone sees a bad dream that scares him, let him spit drily to his left and seek refuge with Allah from its evil, then it will not harm him.”

(Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3292

The great scholar, Ibn Sirin, was one of several experts on dream interpretation. Even he says that knowledge and wisdom of dream interpretation is very difficult..

Even the most erudite scholars treated the subject very carefully. 

FAQ’s About Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation is the process of understanding the meaning behind dreams based on Islamic teachings. It is believed that dreams can carry messages from Allah, offer direction, or reflect a person’s thoughts and emotions.

Not all dreams are regarded as meaningful  or simply reflections of the individual’s own thoughts and emotions, which means some are meaningful too and hence it’s necessary to understand the message in the dream (good or evil/bad) and take appropriate actions.

  • Seeking Allah’s refuge
  • Sadaqah for protection.
  • Thank to Allah for the hint of upcoming blessing.

⚠️ For dream interpretation tell the interpreter exactly what you saw in dream. Do not add or subtract anything from it. Do so, you will only be deceiving yourself and wasting your time and may face its consequences.  Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) has strongly prohibited anyone from doing this.

For dream interpretation, it is best to contact someone who is wise, trustworthy and knowledgeable in Islamic teachings and has experience in dream interpretation based on the Qur’an and Hadith. This could include Islamic scholars, spiritual guides, or trusted individuals who have a deep understanding of Islamic principles. 

Contact Ruqyah Help for your dream interpretation.

In Islam, it is recommended to share a good dream with those you trust and love only, as it can bring joy and positivity.

⚠️ However, it is advised not to share a bad or disturbing dream with others, especially those you dislike, as it may cause unnecessary worry or confusion.

If you experience an evil or disturbing dream, you are advised to refer to the “Supplications (Dua) & Etiquettes of Sleeping” page.

Although some dreams may seem to provide insight into the future, Islamic teachings stress that only Allah knows what is to come.

⚠️ Dreams that appear to predict future events are not certain and should not be treated as absolute truth.

Recurring dreams often reflect unresolved issues, warnings, a sign from Allah to take certain action or emotional concerns.

⚠️In Islam, it is recommended to seek guidance from a knowledgeable person or engage in more dhikr to gain peace and clarity in your waking life.

Yes, evil or distressing dreams are believed to come from Shaytan. These dreams are meant to cause harm, confusion, or fear. It’s important to seek refuge in Allah, recite dhikr, and avoid dwelling on these dreams.

Yes, in Islam, dreams can hold spiritual meanings, such as delivering a message from Allah, warning of possible danger, or guiding someone toward the right path. Consulting knowledgeable individuals can assist in understanding the spiritual significance of a dream.

Yes, dreams can have multiple interpretations depending on the context, the individual’s life, and the emotions associated with the dream. An experienced interpreter will consider personal factors, religious context, and symbolism to provide a more accurate interpretation.

Islamic dream interpretation relies on scholarly interpretations. If you’re uncertain about a dream, it is advisable to consult a knowledgeable person or an Islamic scholar familiar with dream interpretation according to Islamic tradition.

Yes, it is permissible to seek guidance from someone knowledgeable in dream interpretation, as long as they adhere to Islamic teachings. Dream interpretation should not be sought from fortune-tellers or individuals who practice un-Islamic methods.

To prevent bad dreams, you can:

  • Seek refuge in Allah before sleeping by saying “A’udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim.”
  • Perform regular zikr and maintain a state of purity.
  • Sleep on your right side and avoid negative thoughts before bedtime.
  • Recite Ayat-ul-Kursi or Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Naas before sleeping for protection.

If the problem persists. You are suffering from a devil attack.