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2024-04-17Are you suffering from the harmful effects of black magic? Do you want to know about the most authentic way to keep evil eyes away from your life? The solution to all these problems is already present in the Quran and Sunnah. Protecting your life using this solution is known as Ruqyah service . Ruqyah is helpful in various situations, but to find this solution, you need to understand it first.
In this post, let us talk about what ruqyah is, its conditions, how to do it, and for which proposes you can do this. We will also talk about how to identify a true Raaqi, so let’s dig into the details.
What is Ruqyah in Islam?
Ruqyah is actually an Islamic method to protect yourself from evil and harm, such as jealousy, black magic, black eye, and other spirits. This is all done using verses from the Holy Quran, Azkar, Dua, and other religious acts. The solutions of Ruqyah aur already present in the Quran or Sunnah; one just has to find out the right one for the specific purposes. It is possible to know about the specific duas and Sunnah the Prophet PBUH used to follow to get the best results.
This is where our Raaqi helps you perform Ruqyah, considering all the conditions in the most authentic manner. With proper strategies and methodologies, our Ruqyah helps you study your case and find the most appropriate solution from the Quran and Sunnah to bring happiness back to your life.
The purpose of performing rukeya is to seek refuge in Allah Almighty with strong faith and Iman, and I believe that the Quran from Allah has a solution to every problem. It was a common practice of our Holy Prophet PBUH to do Ruqyah for himself. Also, he encouraged all Muslims to perform Ruqyah whenever they are facing any illness, black magic, or any other evil. But the condition is to ensure that you know every step to perform it correctly. And yes, make sure that you are clean and have done ablution before performing this Mustahab act.
Conditions for Ruqyah
According to research from our religion, we have come to know that there are certain conditions for performing Ruqyah. To make sure that this procedure is being done the right way, consider the following things.
- The first thing is to believe that only Allah almighty is the one who can heal and benefit us.
- It is essential to perform Ruqyah using recitation of Arabic verses from the Holy Quran.
- Ways to make sure that you are not using prohibited practices in your Ruqyah.
- It is critical that the Raaqi should be a Muslim with a strong belief in Allah and his Deen.
How Does Our Ruqyah Help in Your Everyday Life?
Our Ruqyah services are available for various personal, financial and health issues including:
- Mental Health Issues
- Physical Health Issues
- Unusual feelings
- Insomnia
- Behavioural Addictions
- Marriage Issues
- Delaying Marriage Issue
- Witchcraft of Separation
- Love Spell or Witchcraft of Love
- Negative effects of doing black magic, daemon/jinn catching
- Business Issues
- Financial Issues
- Career Issues
- Education Issues
How Does Ruqyah Affect Us?
Ruqyah is a supplication to Allah Almighty, who is the most beneficent and powerful of all and who heals the ones who are ill and broken. Ruqyah is only meant for Allah Almighty using the already available knowledge from the Quran and Sunnah.
The acceptance of this procedure entirely depends on how you are doing it, how strong your faith in Allah is, and how nicely you follow the conditions. Therefore, the practice of Raaqi and the patient should both have strong faith in Allah Almighty and that he will benefit us.
How to Perform Ruqyah?
Ruqyah is a religious act using Quranic verses and Sunnah to heal the diseased and affected ones. It might be performed to protect us from evil and bad things that cause problems in our lives. Illness, black magic, evil eye, evil spirits, and jealousy are the most common problems for which Ruqyah is usually performed.
To perform Ruqyah, it is essential to deeply understand the Quran and Sunnah and to know which solution is written for which problem or disease. You may recite these things to the patient or put them in the water the sufferer should drink.
Is there Any Presence of Ruqyah in the Quran And Sunnah?
We all have heard about Ruqyah, but is there any presence of Ruqyah in the Quran or Sunnah? This term is not very specifically mentioned in the Quran, but according to Ahadees, you can know about it. Ruqyah is basically using Quranic verses and Sunnah to seek refuge from evil and illness, and you will see many of these things in the Quran. It is already mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah.
According to the Quran,
“And say, “Truth has come, and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is surely bound to vanish.” And We send down in the Quran that which is a cure and a mercy for the believers.” (Quran 17:81-2)
According to Hadees
‘A’ishah said: “When the Messenger of Allah, Peace, and Blessings be upon him, was ill, Jibril ؑ performed Ruqyah on him.” (Muslim
Being Muslims, it is our Imaan that Allah Almighty has already written the solution to every problem in the Holy Quran he sent to us hundreds of years ago. So, it is crucial for us to read and understand that Holy Book to seek guidance in every matter. Ruqyah is a Mustahab procedure that uses Islamic knowledge to find appropriate solutions to your everyday problems.
While every Muslim can read and understand the Quran, no one can do this job better than a Raaqi. Using our Ruqyah services, you will get a trusted Raaqi who understands the procedure and fulfills all the conditions to get you the best results. The only thing you have to do is to maintain strong faith and belief in the Almighty Allah.