Black Magic History, Rituals and Consequences of Casting Black Magic

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What is Black Magic and How Do People Practice It?

Black magic, also known as dark magic or sorcery, refers to the use of supernatural powers for evil and selfish purposes. It often involves rituals, spells, and the invocation of spirits or deities. Practices and beliefs around black magic vary widely across different cultures and traditions. Here’s a general overview of some common elements and methods associated with black magic:

Islamic perspective on black magic

In Islam, practitioners consider black magic, often referred to as “sihr” or “witchcraft,” a sinful and forbidden practice. They regard it as one of the gravest sins, equating it with disbelief (kufr) because it often involves invoking entities other than Allah Almighty (God). Practitioners believe it involves invoking negative spiritual forces and causing harm to others, which contradicts the principles of Islam. They see it as an attempt to circumvent the divine will and manipulate the natural order.

The Quran, which is the holy book of Islam, contains verses that emphasize the importance of relying on Allah Almighty’s guidance and protection rather than resorting to black magic or witchcraft.

  • Black magic (Sihr) is believed to cause both spiritual and physical harm. It can disrupt personal relationships, health, and mental well-being.
  • Black magic (Sihr) is often linked with the involvement of jinn (supernatural beings), who can be invoked by practitioners of magic to carry out harmful deeds.

Origin of Black Magic according to Islam:

God introduced magic to humans as a test during the era of the Prophet Solomon. Allah Almighty (God) sent two angels, Harut and Marut, to Babylon. These angels informed people that they were a trial. If people asked, the angels would teach them the magic of separating a man from his wife but warned that those who learned it would have no share in the hereafter.

One of the key verses from the Quran that addresses the issue of black magic is Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2), Verse 102:

“And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, ‘We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic].’ And yet they learn from them that they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except with the permission of Allah Almighty. And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have any share any share in the Hereafter. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.”

Black Magic and Jinn Influence: Black magic and Jinns do have real effects, but it’s essential to avoid attributing every problem to them. Often, people neglect medical treatment and turn to practitioners, which can lead to disputes within families.


Demon/Spirit/Jinn Catcher vs Black Magician vs Jinn Possession:

In one way, jinn catcher and black magician pact with jinn/demon are similar in a manner that both do pact with the demon/jinn, but there are two fundamental differences:

  • Jinn catcher uses Quran verses, and the pact normally involves staying clean and no wrong usage of possessed jinn. Part of the process involves making a pact that includes staying clean both physically and spiritually. This is important because cleanliness is thought to strengthen one’s connection to Allah Almighty and offer better protection against jinn and other negative spiritual forces. The pact also includes a promise not to use the captured jinn for any harmful or wrong purposes. The goal is to use the jinn only for helping and healing people, following the principles and ethics of Islam.
  • Contrary to the above, black magician rituals involve pleasing the devil, shaitan, or evil spirits, and they use them to harm people.

The similarity is that both of us Jinns do their tasks and, at times, possess the intended person. Black magicians perform rituals to please the devil (Shaitan) or evil spirits, aiming to harm people. These harmful practices are the opposite of Ruqyah, which uses Quranic verses to heal and protect.

Both black magicians and Ruqyah practitioners use jinn, but with different intentions. Black magicians may use jinn to possess or control someone, while Ruqyah aims to remove jinn and provide relief. The key difference is that black magic seeks to harm, while Ruqyah seeks to heal.

  • Jinn Possession:

    At times, Jinn can possess humans by their own will, evil intentions, or if they feel hurt.

Here are the three reasons why and when a Jinn enters the human body. According to Ibn Taymiyyah,

If they don’t like a person.

They love to have control over you. So that they cause you harm or for them to be amused.

The second reason is if they love the person.

The Jinn might fall in love with you when you are all alone, appreciating your beauty. You might feel alone, but you have a jinn accompanying you. The majority of the time, it has been reported that this unusually happens to women. A lot of sisters were possessed by Jinn because Jinn fell in love with them. This is the reason why Prophet Muhammad asked us to recite Bismillah when we change our clothes.

The third reason is if you have caused unintentional harm to the JINN.

For instance, you threw something in a corner, and in that corner, Jinn was resting. You obviously don’t know if Jinn was there. Yet now he is angry with you; he wants revenge.

Common Practices of Black magicians now a days:

1. Rituals and Ceremonies

Altars: Practitioners often set up an altar with symbolic items such as candles, crystals, herbs, and personal belongings.

Incantations: Specific words or phrases are chanted to invoke spirits or deities.

Offerings: Offerings such as food, drink, or animal sacrifices might be made to appease or summon spirits.

2. Tools and Materials

People use candles of different colors, each symbolizing a different intent (e.g., black for power or a curse).

People use specific herbs for their purported magical properties, sometimes in potions or burned as incense.

They draw or carve symbols and sigils, often derived from ancient or occult traditions, to harness specific powers.

They create dolls and effigies, commonly known as “voodoo dolls,” to represent individuals on whom they intend to cast spells.

3 Invocation of Spirits or Deities

Evocation: summoning spirits or deities, often from a particular pantheon or tradition, to gain power or assistance.

Mediums: Practitioners may enter a trance-like state to communicate with spirits or to channel their power.

4. Spells and Incantations

Binding Spells: These spells aim to restrict someone’s actions or influence them.

Cursing and Hexing: Intentional spells meant to bring harm or misfortune to others.

Love spells: attempts to influence someone’s emotions or desires, often seen as manipulative.

5. Divination

Tarot Cards: Used to gain insight into the future or understand hidden aspects of a situation.

Scrying: using reflective surfaces like mirrors, crystals, or water to see visions or gain knowledge.

6. Protection Measures

Amulets and talismans are objects believed to provide protection against negative energies or attacks.

Salt and Sage: Commonly used in purification rituals to cleanse spaces of negative energies.

Black magic has negative effects:

 Black magic, hex, voodoo, sorcery, or witchcraft is an absolute evil act. Don’t go near it; don’t even think of doing it or hiring someone to cast black magic spells for you. People do it for a variety of reasons, including revenge and, strangely, love. Always remember, Garbage in, Garbage Out.

Black magicians or spellcasters market themselves for blazing fast spellcasters to: bring your lover back, get you more money, fix a serious problem, bring good luck, take revenge by harming someone, and claim they can change your life.

⚠ These spells will make you curse nothing else and can also backfire.

⚠ There is no distinction between black or white magic or shamanism; both originate from evil spirits. No good can come from them, regardless of whether the intention is good (white magic) or bad (black magic).

⚠ Never use Black Magic “Do it yourself Kit,” that will be even worse.

Demon/Spirit/Jinn catching:

⚠ Engaging in demon catching can backfire, causing demons, jinns, and spirits to create physical, mental, and financial problems for you and your family.

There are three ways casting spells eventually backfire one way or another, but unfortunately, some people never understand, and they destroy their lives in this world and hereafter.

  1. Inexperienced Spell Caster: This is common when trying to do it themselves using DIY kits. Spells can backfire, causing the spellcaster to become a victim of their own spell. They might not achieve the intended results or may even face unintended negative consequences, the opposite of their original intent.
  2. Black Magic is Reversed: 

 When someone removes a person’s black magic, hex, or voodoo effects, the sender often tries again repeatedly. Generally, this results in the spell returning to the sender (the spellcaster or black magician). However, the black magic practitioner usually has some protection to ward off the effect, so the person who paid for the black magic ends up affected. Even this protection may not work at times.

Even this protection may not work at times.

3. The Curse of Doing Black Magic:

Magicians call it the law of polarity in witchcraft, like Newton’s law of relativity. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Even if the intended results are initially achieved, after some time the negative effects start to hit back. Remember the GIGO effect (garbage in, garbage out)?


Black magic, is a malevolent practice that involves invoking evil spirits or jinn to cause harm to others. Islam considers this practice one of the gravest sins because it goes against the principles of relying on Allah Almighty for protection and guidance.Black magic can cause both physical and spiritual harm, disrupting relationships, health, and mental well-being. It is crucial to avoid engaging in or supporting black magic, as it leads to severe consequences for both the practitioner and the victim. Instead, one should seek protection and healing through righteous means, such as Ruqyah, which uses Quranic verses to counteract the effects of black magic and provide spiritual relief.