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Magic (Sihr) and Jinn: Understanding Their Interconnection and Protection

Healing Power of Salah
The Healing Power of Salah (Prayer)

Magic (sihr) and jinn are two intriguing topics in Islamic wisdom, but they are misunderstood most of the time. This blog extends itself to unveiling the connection between these two domains regarding the concepts of jinn, the emergence of magic, and the ways to protect oneself from them.

Understanding Sihr and Jinn

And when one understands the different entity of humans and jinn, sihr or magic does not ring with such blatant incredibility. Jinn, created from smokeless fire, are nearly invisible spirits living in a world that coexists with ours but is not easily noticeable. This gives them strengths beyond human capabilities, as they are a different creation.

Jinn’s Abilities

  • Speed and Movement: Jinn were considered capable of moving at light speed or faster, as observed in their ability to phase through solid objects.
  • Shapeshifting: It can transform to and from human or animal form, or any other form that wills it at that moment.
  • Physical Power: Nonetheless, jinn, as creatures of smokeless fire, possess strength surpassing human muscular power. One of the best examples of their abilities is recorded in the history of the Prophet
  • Suleyman (A.S) Story: A jinn brought the throne of the Queen of Sheba in a blink of an eye. This shows their ability to transform matter to energy and vice versa, a concept related more to today’s energy and material.


Human Superiority Over Jinn

However, according to the Islamic story, jinn’ are inferior to humans in spite of their tremendous powers. This superiority is in intellect and the knowledge Allah has given to Bani Adam or human beings. Allah ordered the jinn to submit to Adam meaning a special status of the human cognition and will in the Divine plan. Thus, while jinn possess superior muscular strength, humans are gifted with superior mental insight and spiritual senses.

Jinn’s Inferiority Complex

This feeling of perceived supremacy of humans has resulted into a feeling of inferiority among jinn. Records show that Iblis, one of the most honored jinn, resented God’s action because he believed he alone deserved such honor instead of mankind. This resentment compels jinn to try to subjugate humans or participate in the practices of sihr.

The Origin of Magic

The dictionaries define magic as a religion and an art of vanishing, in which its roots were first seen in ancient Babylon. In Islam, angels Harut and Marut were the two that Allah gifted to the humans to show them the harms of talking to jinn. It is double knowledge meant for the humans that these powers are for evil doings if used by them. But man and woman have also abused this knowledge, thereby introducing the practice of magic. Magic is the bridge between the human and jinn domain, as humans try to control the jinn for different purposes.

Mechanisms of Magic

To the contrary, those people that practice magic do not control jinns, but instead Jinns control those people.

Magicians often seek supernatural assistance from jinn, who demand acts of worship and humiliation in return. This arrangement frequently results in negative consequences, disrupting lives and causing suffering, including physical injury or emotional distress. For example, some jinn can sow discord between spouses or create an unsettling presence during intimate relations.

Therefore, we recommend reciting surah Al-Falaq and surah An-Naas for protection from such influences. These surahs provide a specific call to safeguard oneself against darkness and those who practice evil magic. They effectively protect against harmful spiritual entities. Reciting these surahs strengthens a barrier against negative forces and ensures spiritual security.


Dealing with Sihr

Based on this understanding, people can gradually eradicate fear by acquiring knowledge about the existence of the jinn world. Still, jinn are afraid of Allah, His names, and attributes as well. Al-Quran provides ways to ward off these creatures and keep away the evil effets of magic, these are faith, reading and reciting al-Quran and Dhikr.
In case you ever encounter a jinn or experience something paranormal fear and calling on the name of Allah will eventually assist you to deal with it. Strong faith and a connection to Allah are powerful defenses against the unseen forces of the jinn.

Practical Steps for Protection

Regular Prayer (Salah):

 Offering prayers five times a day serves as protection against harm or dangerous entities. To make it clear, as each prayer is performed, it becomes a shield that makes one be closer to Allah.

Recitation of Specific Surahs:

Therefore, it is advisable to recite surah Al-Falaq and surah An-Naas for protection from such influences. These surahs serve as a specific call for safeguarding oneself against the darkness and those who engage in evil magic. They are effective means of seeking protection from harmful spiritual entities. Reciting these surahs reinforces a barrier against negative forces and ensures spiritual security

Maintaining a Clean Environment:

This shows the need for external and internal washings, which are very important. People assume that the absence of bad odors and the recitation of ayats from the Quran prevent the attendance of jinn.

Seeking Knowledge:

To gain basic knowledge on specifically sihr and the jinn in particular from an Islamic perspective makes it easier to counter this phenomenon. This suggests that knowledge is a lessening of fear and information that is necessary for defense.


Magic related to jinn might seem complicated and mysterious because it belongs to a supernatural world. Understanding the characteristics and capabilities of jinn helps clarify their association with magic. Jinn, created from smokeless fire, possess unique traits such as high speed and the ability to pass through solid structures. They can also alter their appearances, adding to their mystique. These attributes contribute to the belief that jinn play a significant role in magical practices. However, according to Islamic teachings, jinn are inferior to human beings, as Allah bestowed humans with superior intelligence and knowledge.

Magic goes back to the earliest of days in Babylon when people heard from the angels Harut and Marut with knowledge about speaking to jinn. Unfortunately, people used this knowledge, originally meant as a test, for evil by practicing magic. Contrary to popular belief, the jinn control the magician (sahir). Compelling them to show reverence and commit shameful acts to gain magical powers. Magic is not a blessing but often brings negative consequences, altering lives and causing physical or emotional harm to individuals.

However, it is crucial to remember that jinn are ultimately terrified of Allah and His attributes. Through faith, recitation of the Quran, and constant remembrance of Allah (dhikr), we can repel these entities and protect ourselves from the influence of magic. Though challenging, overcoming magic is possible with perseverance and a strong connection to our faith. In essence, magic is the intersection of the human and jinn worlds. By understanding this reality, we can demystify magic and approach it with knowledge and confidence rather than fear. The power of faith and intellect proves to be our strongest defense against the unseen forces of the jinn.