ISTIKHARAH (إستخارة)
Istikharah (إستخارة) is an Arabic word that means “seeking guidance” or “seeking the best decision.” In Islamic tradition, Istikharah is a prayer and a process that is used to seek guidance from Allah (God) when faced with a difficult decision or uncertain situation.
Narrated Jabir bin ‘Abdullah (Sahih al-Bukhari 1166):
The Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam used to teach us the way of doing istikharah (istikhara means to ask Allah to guide one to the right sort of action concerning any job or a deed), in all matters as he taught us the Surats of the Quran.
In addition to istikharah, prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had a common practice of seeking consultation from his wise trusted companions. This is called Istisharah.
When it comes to what the future holds, only Allah knows what lies ahead, and so the Istikharah Dua is a means of seeking Allah’s uniquely perfect guidance on the appropriate course of action for a given matter. Indeed, the Dua is a means by which a Muslim can attain peace of mind and feel reassured knowing that whatever the outcome of one’s decision, it will always be the best possible result.
Further, the Istikhara Dua is an expression of how a Muslim puts his or her trust in Allah – (the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful). So when performing istikharah have complete trust/faith on Allah. He will turn your heart to what is best for you not what you think is best for you.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform Istikharah:
Lets Start
1. Cleanliness and purification:
Ensure you are in a state of physical and spiritual cleanliness (Wudu).
2. Find a quiet and peaceful place:
Identify a quiet, peaceful spot where you can focus and concentrate.
3. Set your intention:
Clearly define the decision or issue you’re seeking guidance on.
4. Intention (Niyyah):
Make the intention in your heart about the matter for which you are seeking guidance.
Istikharah supplication (dua) before performing
“O Allah, I seek Your counsel through Your knowledge and I seek Your assistance through Your might and I ask You of Your immense favour, for indeed You alone decree fate while I do not, and You (alone) know (all things) while I do not, and You alone possess all knowledge of the Unseen. O Allah, if You know this matter ( articulate matter) to be good for me as it pertains to my religion, my life and livelihood and to the final outcomes of my affairs, then decree it for me, facilitate it for me, and then bless it for me. But if You know this matter to be harmful to me as pertains to my religion, my life and livelihood and to the final outcomes of my affairs, then distance it from me and distance me from it, then decree what is good for me – wherever it may be – and content me with it.”
1. Perform two Rakats of Nafl prayer:
Offer two optional (Nafl) Rakats of prayer, which can be performed at any time of the day.
2. Recite the Istikhara Dua:
After completing the prayer, recite the Istikhara Dua:
“O Allah, I seek Your counsel through Your knowledge and I seek Your assistance through Your might and I ask You of Your immense favour, for indeed You alone decree fate while I do not, and You (alone) know (all things) while I do not, and You alone possess all knowledge of the Unseen. O Allah, if You know this matter ( articulate matter) to be good for me as it pertains to my religion, my life and livelihood and to the final outcomes of my affairs, then decree it for me, facilitate it for me, and then bless it for me. But if You know this matter to be harmful to me as pertains to my religion, my life and livelihood and to the final outcomes of my affairs, then distance it from me and distance me from it, then decree what is good for me – wherever it may be – and content me with it.”
1. Sleep with an open heart and mind:
Go to sleep with an open heart and mind, trusting that Allah will guide you.
2. Pay attention to your dreams:
Pay attention to any dreams or visions you have during the night, as they may contain guidance or insight.
Share your dream with someone who interprets dreams or a knowledgeable scholar who can provide you with the correct interpretation of your dream.
3. Reflect on your feelings and thoughts:
Upon waking, reflect on your feelings and thoughts. Do you feel a sense of clarity or direction?
Examples of Doing Istikharah (إستخارة) for Different Situations
Istikhara helps in making important marriage decisions, such as evaluating a potential life partner, deciding whether to accept or decline a proposal, and determining the right time to marry, all with Allah’s guidance for a blessed and harmonious union.
Lets say you have to choose among the three potential spouse partners (A, B & C). You are confused. You heart goes for one and mind for another, parents want another. Tricky situation, but its normal. This is how your will perform Istikhara in this situation. When you will read Istikhara Dua and reach at point of saying " هذا الأمْرَ " instead of this you will say: "marrying person A, person B or Person C"
“O Allah, I seek Your counsel through Your knowledge and I seek Your assistance through Your might and I ask You of Your immense favour, for indeed You alone decree fate while I do not, and You (alone) know (all things) while I do not, and You alone possess all knowledge of the Unseen. O Allah, if You know:
"marrying person A, Person B or Person C"
to be good for me as it pertains to my religion, my life and livelihood and to the final outcomes of my affairs, then decree it for me, facilitate it for me, and then bless it for me. But if You know:
"marrying person A, Person B or Person C"
to be harmful to me as pertains to my religion, my life and livelihood and to the final outcomes of my affairs, then distance it from me and distance me from it, then decree what is good for me – wherever it may be – and content me with it.”
Istikhara can guide you in making career decisions, such as choosing between job offers, deciding whether to switch careers, or considering a new business opportunity or investment, ensuring that your choices align with Allah’s wisdom for success and fulfillment.
Istikhara can be sought for financial decisions, such as starting or closing a business, investing in property or stocks, or lending or borrowing money. It helps ensure that these decisions are in line with Allah’s guidance, leading to positive outcomes.
Istikhara can be performed for education-related decisions, such as choosing a field of study or selecting a university. It can also help guide the decision of whether to pursue further studies, ensuring that the choice aligns with what is best for you.
FAQs – Istikharah (إستخارة)
Istikharah is a Sunnah prayer that seeks Allah’s guidance in matters that are neither obligatory nor prohibited. It involves praying two non-obligatory rak’ahs and then reciting a specific du’a.
Istikharah can be performed at any time of day or night, but many Islamic scholars consider the final third of the night to be the most ideal time.
You should perform Istikharah when you’re confused or unsure about a decision and want to seek Allah’s guidance. For example, you might perform Istikharah if you’re deciding whether to open a business or get married.
After completing the prayer, you should immediately recite the Istikharah supplication.
Yes, you can incorporate Istikharah into your daily routine by praying the two rak’ahs before Fajr or after Maghrib. You can also pray the extra rak’ahs at night as part of your qiyaam-al-layl.
Sleeping immediately after performing Istikharah is not obligatory. However, maintaining a calm state of mind and placing trust in Allah’s guidance can help you perceive the answers more clearly.
Having a dream after Istikharah is not guaranteed. Allah’s guidance may manifest in other ways, such as a feeling of clarity, comfort, or unease about the matter. Trust these emotions and thoughts as indications from Allah.
Istikharah can be performed multiple times if necessary, typically for up to seven days. If uncertainty persists, seek advice from a knowledgeable person and place your trust in Allah’s plan.
Yes, you can perform Istikharah on behalf of someone else by intending to seek Allah’s guidance for their matter and reciting the dua with that specific intention in mind.
Women during their period can still perform Istikharah by reciting the dua without praying the two rakats, as the dua alone is sufficient for seeking Allah’s guidance
Istikharah can be performed for decisions of any size, whether big or small, whenever guidance is needed. However, for less significant matters, using common sense and seeking advice from others may suffice.
If you feel unsettled, uncertain, or drawn toward a “no,” take it as a sign from Allah to reconsider the decision. Explore other options or alternatives.
No, Istikharah is a straightforward act of worship that you can perform on your own. However, if you’re uncertain about any signs or dreams, seeking guidance from a scholar can be beneficial.
Istikharah doesn’t change Allah’s decree, but instead helps you make decisions that are in line with His divine wisdom.
It is not sinful to make a decision without performing Istikharah, but seeking Allah’s guidance is always encouraged, as it brings blessings (barakah) and leads to better outcomes.
Although reciting the traditional Istikharah prayer is recommended, it’s also acceptable to offer a sincere, personal prayer asking Allah for guidance and a favorable resolution.
Yes, Istikharah is often performed for marriage proposals to seek Allah’s guidance on whether a person is the right match as a spouse.
After performing Istikharah, pay attention to your feelings, thoughts, or any dreams that arise. Trust your instincts, seek advice from wise individuals if necessary, and place your trust in Allah. Move forward with confidence, knowing that His plan is the best for you.
Benefits of Istikharah (إستخارة)
Istikharah connects you directly to Allah, seeking His guidance in making decisions. This guarantees that your decisions are in harmony with divine wisdom, which surpasses human understanding.
Life often presents situations where the right choice is unclear. Istikharah brings clarity, allowing you to differentiate between what is beneficial and what may cause harm.
Seeking Allah’s guidance reduces the likelihood of making decisions you may later regret, providing reassurance that your choice is based on divine wisdom.
Decisions made with Allah’s guidance carry His blessings. This guarantees that your decision leads to favorable results, bringing spiritual, emotional, and material blessings.
Consistently performing Istikharah deepens your connection with Allah, reinforcing your reliance on Him and nurturing a stronger sense of faith and trust.
Knowing that you sought Allah’s guidance instills confidence in your decision.It removes uncertainty and hesitation, bringing peace of mind.
Istikharah teaches you patience as you wait for clarity or signs.It teaches you to trust in Allah’s perfect timing.
By entrusting your decision to Allah, the stress of making the “wrong” choice is eased. You find peace, knowing that Allah’s wisdom is guiding you.
Istikharah strengthens your faith that Allah knows what is best for you. It teaches you to place complete trust in Him while also taking the necessary actions on your part.
Istikharah allows Allah to safeguard you from making decisions that may result in harm, loss, or undesirable outcomes. It acts as a safeguard for your well-being.
When performed for matters such as marriage or partnerships, istikharah ensures that the decision is beneficial for all involved and enhances the relationship.
Istikharah helps you accept the outcome of your decision with contentment. Regardless of whether the answer is “yes” or “no,” you find peace in trusting that it is Allah’s will.
Istikharah establishes the foundation for making thoughtful, well-informed, and spiritually fulfilling decisions, leading to success in both this world and the Hereafter..