Top 5 Marriage Issues and How to Resolve Them?

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At some point, marriage issues will affect almost every couple. Mostly you can work on these issues and get your life back to normal. But sometimes these problems can get swear and lead to extreme unrest or may end up in a divorce. Getting couples therapy is very effective if you are having such problems in your married life. Sometimes these problems might also be due to the influence of a bad eye on your married life. People who are jealous of your life will go for unethical practices like black magic to destroy your life and peace. For this, it is recommended to visit professional Ruqyah service providers to terminate the effect of black magic from your life and start living back a healthy married life.

Top 5 Marriage Issues

There are plenty of common marriage issues faced by many couples around the globe but here we will be focusing on the top 5 issues that can lead to extreme loss:

Communication Gap causes Marriage Issues

One of the most common problems faced by married couples is a communication gap. People prefer pushing their problems aside instead of fixing them by talking them out. They create a barrier between each other which delays in finding the right solution to the issue causing unrest. Moreover, this leads to the rise of more challenges and even poor communication skills that affect their relationship.

So it is recommended to have great communication between the couple so that they can talk out the situations on the spot to avoid delaying the unrest. Good communication involves listening to the other person and sharing your issues to figure out how to come to common ground.

Intimacy Problems causes Marriage Issues

Sometimes people lose interest in each other because of several medical issues, emotional stress, financial situations, or other life complications. This affects their private life and causes a significant decrease in their intimacy practices. But for having a healthy married life intimacy is good. Make sure to talk to your partner regarding their preference when it comes to physical relationships.

Have open communication to be able to be a source of pleasure and peace for your partner. These problems might also be due to the influence of evil eye or black magic in your life. People who are jealous to see you living a happy marriage opt for these practices to create disturbance in your marriage. So it is best to get professional help from Ruqyah service providers to bring back peace and love in your marriage.


The Difference in Life Stages

Sometimes there is nothing wrong with your marriage but it’s just that both of the partners are having different stages of life. This leads to incompatibility, misunderstanding, miscommunication, and other such problems. The most common causes behind differences in life stages are having a significant age gap, not being able to spend time together, or having opposite goals or interests. As a result, you don’t feel connected to your spouse and this affects your relationship. For this, you should keep in mind that relationships should be your top priority.

Despite having opposite interests or goals you should try being good to each other and having some quality time together. Don’t forget to give your partner surprises, memorable gifts, peace, and love to keep your married life together. Sometimes issues in your marriage can also be due to the effect of black magic which is very common. So reach out to a Ruqyah service provider to get help in this regard.


People have this misconception that infidelity is just related to physical cheating which is not true. It involves all types of cheating whether it is related to emotions, finances, relationships, or other things. Cheating is not an option for married people as it causes significant unrest in your relationship. Moreover, it also leads to heartbreaks and destroys the bond of trust between the couple. So it is better not to cheat on your partner in any way than to convince them later with sorry and repent for your mistakes.

The most common reason why infidelity is very normal these days is due to emotional distance. Partners feel more connected to people outside of their marriage and connect more with them for their emotional or situational needs. This is not good and should always be avoided.


Another common reason that leads to marriage issues is jealousy. It is a big factor that leads to severe disturbance and might end up in divorce. Sometimes people are jealous of your married life and they desire to live a life like yours. This desire is not the problem but the issue here is that they try their best to break your marriage and create unrest like they have in their life. Well, this is a big problem here for which they take the help of evil things like black magic. Black magic is not a good practice and has a significant impact on your life.

Due to the influence of black magic, your partner might change drastically towards you which will ultimately affect your married life. To save your marriage in these situations reach out to the best Ruqyah services so that you can get immediate and reliable help.


These were some of the most common marriage issues that many couples face. Hopefully, by now you have figured out the most significant causes of unrest in your marriage. Don’t forget to see the tips we have shared for resolving these issues and implementing them in your daily life. For having a healthy married life it is important to have good communication, relationship, and understanding so that you are a source of peace for your partner.

Moreover, try keeping your private life personal to save it from the evilness of black magic or evil eye. In case you are doubtful that your married life is affected by black magic then do not delay visiting a professional Ruqyah service provider to get immediate help.