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What Intrusive Thoughts are and When They are Normal and Abnormal

OCD (Obsessive Control Disorder)
obsessive compulsive


This article discusses intrusive thoughts, their types (normal, obsessive, negative, positive, harmful etc), their sources to explain our point of view based on islamic theology. 

Intrusive thoughts can be random, impulsive or obsessive. Obsessive thoughts are from demons / jinns / evil spirits, magic spells.

This article sets the basis for how through Ruqyah we can treat obsessive thoughts which cause OCD. We have a seperate article over OCD and Ruqyah Healing,  and how it can be cured through Ruqyah at Ruqyah.Help.

On this Page:

Random Intrusive ThoughtsWhat are Intrusive Thoughts ?

Intrusive thoughts are part of the normal human experience. Intrusive thoughts are unwanted, distracting. distressing, thoughts and images that appear in a person’s mind without their control or consent and can be:


  • Random Thoughts

  • Impulsive thoughts

  • Obsessive thoughts


Intrusive Thoughts, Normal and Abnormal


Random Thoughts

Random thoughts are unwanted, involuntary thoughts that are harmless, which pop up into the heart (mind) without any apparent reason or trigger. They can be:


1. Fragmented ideas

2. Unrelated memories

3. Sudden insights

4. Strange associations

5. Intrusive worries


Characteristics of normal random  intrusive thoughts:

  1. Transience: Normal intrusive thoughts are brief and fleeting, lasting only a few seconds or minutes.

  2. Mildness: They are not severe or distressing, and do not significantly impact daily life.

  3. Unwanted: They are not intentionally triggered and are often unwelcome.

  4. Lack of compulsive behavior: Normal intrusive thoughts do not lead to compulsive behaviors or mental acts aimed at reducing anxiety or preventing perceived harm.

Examples of normal intrusive thoughts:

  1. Forgetting to lock the door or turn off the stove

  2. Worrying about a loved one’s safety

  3. Recurring memories of a past event (e.g, a car accident)

  4. Fear of public speaking or social situations

  5. Mild worries about health or finances

  6. Random, harmless words or phrases (e.g, a song stuck in your head)

  7. Brief, passing thoughts of death or illness (not persistent or distressing)


At the end of the day, most intrusive thoughts are just thoughts. They’re not a red flag or a signal that you actually want to do those disturbing things. If they bother you, you can take steps to cut down on their frequency and intensity.


Impulsive Thoughts

Impulsive thoughts are those out-of-the-blue notions or urges that can push us into snap decisions acting hastily without careful consideration of consequences and outcomes, if not overcome timely.


Impulsiveness can be a formidable barrier on the path to personal growth and success. It can manifest in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to financial decisions, and often leads to undesirable or  regrettable outcomes. Recognising the root causes of impulsiveness is the first step toward overcoming it.

Impulsive thoughts

  • In Islam, impulsive thoughts are considered a common challenge that arise from whisperings (Waswasa) of Shaytan, or Satan or demons or jinns or devils or evil spirits.


    Above that Quran tell us that by nature humans are impulsive in nature in this verse:


    Man is a creature of haste

    آدمی جلد باز بنایا گیا ہے

    خُلِقَ الْإِنسَانُ مِنْ عَجَلٍ



    Thus the creator of the human being (God / Allah) has clearly explained in the Quran that by nature, man is impulsive, and if this impulsiveness is not properly managed or trained, it can take control of him.


    So humans have a natural inclination toward  impulsiveness, often tempted to act on instinct without considering the consequences. Shaitan (satan) exploits this tendency, urging us to surrender to the desires of Nafs (inner self). So the shaytan does the work of adding fuel to fire, and tries to capitalize over the urges presented by Nafs (inner self) in our heart. Shaytan / Devil does this  by whispering in our heart to act impulsively to things that are not good for us in this life or in life hereafter or both. For Example:


    • He whispers arrogance and pride in your heart. Arrogance was the sin that the shaytan had, and arrogance was his destruction.


    Satan moreover pledged that he will mislead people and will arouse in them sinful desires to such an extent that they will eventually make recourse to the option of changing the creation of Allah (al-Nisa’, 119)


    There are things that are right in front of you and shaitan says come on, just enjoy yourself a little, it’s not that bad. He doesn’t want you to think about the future consequences of something. 


    The following hadiths clearly tells us that impulsiveness is from shaytan (devil) and he is our open enemy as stated in the Quran.


    • “Satan runs through the son of Adam like blood runs through his veins.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

    This hadith highlights Satan’s constant influence on humans, including impulsive thoughts and actions.

    • “The devil is present in the heart of every human being, whispering evil thoughts.” (Muslim)

    This hadith emphasizes Satan’s role in whispering impulsive and negative thoughts into human minds.

    • “When one of you becomes angry, Satan enters his heart.” (Abu Dawud)

    This hadith links impulsiveness, particularly anger, to Satan’s influence.


    Islamic theology teaches that Shaytan (Satan) constantly tries to lead humans astray by tempting them towards sinful and impulsive actions or the actions which are harmful or not good for them. Those who are not vigilant or who lack spiritual fortification may find it easier to succumb to these impulses.


    O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear open enemy.

    اے ایمان والو اسلام میں سارے کے سارے داخل ہو جاؤ اور شیطان کے قدموں کی پیروی نہ کرو کیوں کہ وہ تمہارا  کھلا  دشمن ہے

    يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا ادْخُلُوا فِي السِّلْمِ كَافَّةً وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ ۚ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ




    Some people may develop the tendency to act impulsive over time due to lack of spiritual fortification, they become an easier target of Shaytan (devil / demons / jinns) which is the root cause behind it.


    These impulsive regretful decisions can lead:


    • to anger, 

    • impulsively act in anger, 

    • stress

    • anxiety and

    • negative thought patterns.

      O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear open enemy.

      اے ایمان والو اسلام میں سارے کے سارے داخل ہو جاؤ اور شیطان کے قدموں کی پیروی نہ کرو کیوں کہ وہ تمہارا  کھلا  دشمن ہے

      يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا ادْخُلُوا فِي السِّلْمِ كَافَّةً وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ ۚ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ


Obsessive Thoughts

Obsessions are repeated / sticky thoughts, urges, or mental images that are intrusive, unwanted  that often feel hard to reel in. They kind of feel like they’re stuck in your head. Usually, you can ignore it and move on. But sometimes, it just keeps popping right back up.


If these obsessive thoughts become so much that they interrupt your day-to-day life, this can be a sign of a mental health problem (OCD) and you need to see a psychotherapist for diagnosis. However at Ruqya.Help we on the basis of Islamic theology as shown below in the picture the sources of these obsessive thoughts  can be from one or more than one of these sources:

obsessive thoughts
  • Devil / Jinn / Demon possession: demon taking control of the mind, leading to complete domination of thoughts and actions. This can be due to sinful acts or if jinn likes someone or gets angry at someone.

  • Magic Spells

  • Obsessive Intrusive Dreams from devil. Demons / Jinns can inspire vivid and intense evil thoughts and ideas during dreams, which can manifest as obsessive thoughts.

  • Shaytan’s influence: Shaytan’s whispers and temptations.

  • Magic spells (Sihr): can influence the mind, causing confusion, disorientation, memory loss and whispering of evil thoughts or suggestions into the person’s mind

Obsessive Intrusive thoughts can be:


  • Violent (Homicidal thoughts, Cursing someone)

  • Persistent thoughts of self-harm

  • Doubts about events occurring or about a person’s relationship

  • Negative or self-doubt thoughts

  • Health-related thoughts

  • Sexual thoughts (of forbidden nature) and even Questioning one’s sexuality

  • Death or suicidal thoughts

  • Religious thoughts (Blasphemous in nature)

  • Public humiliation thoughts

  • Death or suicidal thoughts

  • Thoughts about the safety of yourself and loved ones

  • Trauma-related thoughts

  • Bizarre, weird, or paranoid thoughts 

  • Blasphemous in nature and can cause feelings of shame, guilt, and anxiety.

Characteristics of obsessive Intrusive Thoughts:
  1. Intensity: Severe and overwhelming

  2. Frequency: Recurring and persistent

  3. Duration: Lasting for extended periods

  4. Distress: Causing significant anxiety, fear, or discomfort

  5. Interference: Interfering with relationships, work, or daily activities

  6. Compulsive behavior: Leading to compulsive behaviors or mental acts aimed at reducing anxiety or preventing perceived harm

Treatment to Heal Obsessive Intrusive thoughts


If you’re struggling with intrusive thoughts, we suggest considering ruqyah as a complementary therapy. Discover the power of ruqyah and explore a wealth of information and resources at Ruqyah.Help, your trusted source for Islamic healing and spiritual growth.

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